EquiGraphix is the innovative visual handicapping tool that makes playing the races a breeze across all platforms. The powerful information is presented in a simple format that allows you to access important data quickly and easily. Pace analysis, handicapping angles, speed figure patterns and much more are all at your disposal. Once you use this product you'll never want to go back to strictly traditional handicapping again.
Key features of this product include
• BubbleCapper
A graphical representation of the pace scenario at different stages of the race.• Signals
Icons displayed represent different information about each horse.• Speed & Class Graphs
View the latest speed figures and class ratings for a horse or race.• Player Graphs
View a pie chart or bar graph of the cumulative stats by trainer, jockey, sire or dam.• Notes
Enter comments for horses and when they race back, previous notes will be accessible.• TrackMaster Platinum Past Performances
Three different versions of Platinum Past Performances included with purchase. -
Billing options for this product
- A la carte - No minimums, billed as used
single card $3.00
- Regular subscription - 20 downloads per calendar month, overages $2.50 each
1 month $54.95
3 months $149.95
6 months $289.95
12 months $549.95
- Unlimited subscription - No overages, unlimited usage
1 month $119.95
3 months $329.95
6 months $629.95
12 months $1199.95
- Details
Information and explanations about this product- Detailed Description
Welcome To TrackMaster EquiGraphix
EquiGraphix is an exciting, visual handicapping tool that makes handicapping the races a breeze. The powerful information is presented in a format that allows quick and easy access to the most important handicapping data. Pace analysis, handicapping angles, speed figure patterns and much more are all contained in the utility. Once you use this product you’ll never want to go back to strictly traditional handicapping again.
The files are in a web page format easily viewed and/or printed from your desktop, laptop, tablet computer or other device. They are available for download 24 hours a day, often several days ahead of the races depending on the track schedule.
Special Features Of TrackMaster Equigraphix
Individual races on the card can be opened by either clicking on the specific row from the race list located on the opening screen or by choosing the race from the permanent sliding menu located at the top of every screen. Once inside a race, the category menu bar shows all the different sections of handicapping information you can navigate to.
The initial screen of the product contains an overview of all the races on today's card plus links to download past performances with full running lines in pdf format at no extra charge. An alphabetical listing of all horses, jockeys and trainers along with their morning line odds, program numbers and the race number they are entered in is also included. The information can be sorted by any of the columns of data.
The BubbleCapper is a graphical representation of the pace scenario at different stages of the race. It is a powerful weapon to use to determine how a race may play out and contains crucial information to help you quickly make wagering decisions regarding a race. It is comprised of three different graphs that represent the projected positioning of each horse in the early, middle and final stages of a race. Four different components of each horse are represented by a bubble displayed in each graph: the value on the y-axis, the value on the x-axis, the size of the bubble and the color of the bubble (bubble color is the same on all three graphs).
The signals grid displays icons representing relevant information about each horse for today’s race. Green signals are positive aspects, yellow signals highlight notable information, and red signals are warning sings. The signals grid is a very useful tool to quickly view “angles” regarding each entrant. Note: Users can change icons to check marks through settings.
The speed/class graphs allow you to view the latest Equibase speed figures (Q speed figures for races in yards) and class ratings for an individual horse, or to view the last five Equibase speed figures (Q speed figures for races in yards) together on a single graph.
View a pie chart or bar graph of the cumulative stats for this race by trainer, jockey, sire or dam. A proprietary algorithm is used to analyze relevant player (trainer, jockey, sire, or dam) statistics for today’s race, to compare players against one another. The algorithm takes into account win percentages, return on investment, and sample size to determine the calculated percentages. Percentages are based on relevant statistics for today’s start, such as distance/surface, distance change, trainer/jockey combo, etc.
Enter your comments for horses in the notes section. When "noted" horses race in the future, previous notes will be accessible. Notes are saved through your TrackMaster account. You may have up to ten saved notes for each horse.
- Product Key
This product is available in the following formats:
(Click to view a description of the layout/schema for each option)
Platinum PDF - Up to twelve running lines and workouts per horse, generally making it two pages per race. Includes horse sales data and trainer changes and claim information appearing on the line after.
Bias PDF - All the same features of the standard version with the addition of TrackMaster Track Bias data displayed after the company line.
Pace PDF - All the same features of the standard version and bias version with the addition of pace figures instead of leader's times in the running lines.
- Help
Help guides and technical support for this product-
Help Guide
View the complete EquiGrpahix help guide. It contains detailed explanations and a glossary of terms for each and every section of the product to help get the most out of the data.
- Product Tutorials
Introduction - In this brief video tutorial, we will give you an overview of the EquiGraphix reports. It provides a great introduction to this unique product along with suggestions on how to use it in your handicapping.
Bubblecapper Tips - In this brief video tutorial, we will give you tips on utilizing the BubbleCapper feature found in the EquiGraphix reports. It provides some terrific examples of just how easy it is to use the BubbleCapper feature to quickly incorporate pace analysis into your handicapping arsenal.
Signals Tips - In this brief video tutorial, we will give you tips on getting the most out of the Signals screen found in the EquiGraphix reports. It covers all of the various signals, so you can start taking advantage of the powerful information contained in this feature.
Important Product AnnouncementThis product is designed to work in all major web browsers (Internet Explorer versions 9+, Firefox, Chrome and Safari) and is tablet and mobile friendly.