TrackMaster has formed partnerships to market other high quality handicapping software produced by outside sources. Some are available through our web site, while others can be purchased directly from the vendor. Check out the summary descriptions below.
Thoroughwiz is a Thoroughbred/Quarter horse racing sheet which uses a unique algorithm designed over years of observation and testing to produce a special ranking called the TWIZrank. Based on several highly proficient handicappers' precise methodologies, this unique algorithm was developed and refined through computer programming to form a unique way of predicting and quantifying the results of a horse race. It fills a void in the handicapping market by abiding to the "KISS principal" (Keep it short & simple). After downloading the TrackMaster Past Performances XML file and paying just $2.50 to process it through the Thoroughwiz web site, the web based software will generate a sortable, printable report ranking every horse in every race from best to worst. The sheet also displays a unique average class, pace, speed, and connections ratings along with the TWIZrank. Research has shown the most success to come from the horse within the top four that has the most top figures in the other four categories.
This product is sold and supported directly by the vendor. For complete details and information, please visit the Thoroughwiz web site.
RaceAnalyser is a popular Thoroughbred handicapping software that reads TrackMaster Past Performances data files, and TrackMaster Results Charts files. It allows you to apply your own handicapping rules to races to determine if your handicapping criteria will produce a winning combination. By creating custom reports that can be viewed on your screen in seconds, you can filter horses in races by matching your handicapping criteria. The time normally taken to manually handicap races is drastically reduced from hours to seconds. Once you have defined a custom report that has produced winners in the past, you can apply it to future races to filter out possible winners.
This product is sold and supported directly by the vendor. For complete details and ordering information, please visit the RaceAnalyser web site.
Diamond System
The Diamond System is a computer handicapping system created by Bob Pandolfo that gives the user several ratings including the exclsuive "Diamond Rating". This rating takes a horse's early speed, late speed, and final time and balances it out into one number. The strength of the system is its amazing ability to pick longshot winners, right on top. The reason why it can pick so many overlay and longshot winners is that it balances the pace of the race. The system comes with several other ratings and various readouts, which can be viewed on screen or printed.
To use the software you will need TrackMaster Past Performances exe data files.
This product is sold and supported directly by the vendor. For complete details and ordering information, please visit the Handicapping Winners web site.